Webinar – The role of ecological indicators, models and scenarios in adaptive water governance – review of challenges and future directions
Due to technical difficulties, the recording above lacks the first 15 minutes of the webinar and only the latter half of the presentation of Niina Kotamäki. We apologise for the inconvenience.
Find webinar slides here: Role of ecological indicators, models and scenarios in adaptive water governance – review of challenges and future directions -slides
Strategic research project BlueAdapt is searching and developing innovative means for enhancing the good ecological status of water by promoting sustainable blue growth. Key step in reaching the goal is to create clear, reliable and usable scientific knowledge on how human activities impact the ecological status of waters. An important mean for this is ecological modelling. Even though the models are always based on assumptions, the use of them in governance could be more diverse than currently. In BlueAdapt project we have developed the methods and usage of ecological models to better serve their best possible utilization.
Welcome to discuss this very important topic accelerated by some of the interesting research findings of the project in the webinar “The role of ecological indicators, models and scenarios in adaptive water governance – review of challenges and future directions” 3.6.2020 klo 10.00-11.30. The Webinar is held entirely in English and is open for anyone to participate. The webinar is recorded and shared with all interested after the webinar as well.
The link to the webinar has been sent to those who has registered. If you wish to join but have not received the invitation, please send a message to liisa.kolehmainen@demoshelsinki.fi
General framework and concepts of adaptive modelling and monitoring and the role of models and scenarios, Niina Kotamäki, researcher, the Finnish Environment Institute
An example of what kind of ecological information models can provide: phytoplankton study and recommendations, Benjamin Weigel, Post-doc researcher, Research Centre for Ecological Change, University of Helsinki
Agricultural nutrient loading with optimal fertilization versus business as usual in climate change and socio-economical scenarios: case study Aurajoki catchment, Inese Huttunen, hydrologist, the Finnish Environment Institute
Commenting note: Use of models in environmental governance, Antton Keto, Ministerial Adviser, Ministry of the Environment.
The webinar will be held in Zoom, and the invitation link and the password will be sent in a separate email to the participants to minimise all security threats. The Zoom also works well in browser, without downloading additional programmes to your computer.
BlueAdapt is funded by the Strategic Research Council in the Academy of Finland, with the aim to find means to combine good ecological status of waters and sustainable growth. The project started in 2018. The consortium is lead by the Finnish Environment Institute, and its’ other members include the University of Eastern Finland, Finnish Meteorological Institute, University of Lapland, University of Helsinki and Demos Helsinki.